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MASA Group

ORLANDO, Fla. (USA) — MASA Group is integrating MASA SWORD, the company’s highly effective, aggregated constructive simulation, with BISim’s VBS4. The constructive training experience provided by SWORD can be further enhanced by using VBS4 as a visualization system. With VBS4 and SWORD combined, users can train from the commander down to the individual at unprecedented levels of detail. MASA demonstrated the first proof of concept of the integration at I/ITSEC 2021.

“For the first time ever, users of SWORD and VBS can visualize disaggregated SSWORD entities in VBS, enabling VBS to provide a 3D viewer for SWORD-based simulation,” said BISim Chief Commercial Officer Pete Morrison. “This expands the training use cases supported by both products: for example, enabling VBS to provide a UAS feed to facilitate decision making in SWORD or allowing a tactical VBS scenario to be run within the context of a broader SWORD event.”

The VBS4 to SWORD gateway uses an API-to-API integration between the solutions (instead of a traditional DIS/HLA gateway), providing faster, more accurate entity-level simulation.

MASA Group Business Development Manager Enrico Raue said the proof-of-concept integration shown at I/ITSEC provided a realistic 3D view of an operation to the headquarters (HQ) training audience during command post exercises. The integration also extended the gateway to support virtual/aggregated constructive environments for training army branches with the HQ.

“We see other exciting future training applications for this integration such as enabling users to view special forces operating within larger, more complex scenarios or allowing users to view disaster teams operating in civil security/disaster management scenarios,” Raue explained. “The integration also offers opportunities for stimulating platoon and squad training in VBS4 with larger flanking forces commanded and controlled by SWORD.”

To see a demonstration of the proof-of-concept integration between VBS4 and SWORD, watch this video.

If you are interested in a demonstration of this technology please contact BISim at or MASA at

Download the full document here.



MASA Group

8 Rue de la Michodière,

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