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Battalion-to-Division High Intensity Training and Education

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Simulation for Command Post staff


SWORD is a complete software suite, including a scenario creating applications, an aggregated constructive simulation and analysis tools, dedicated to staff training, education, classroom teaching, planning support, analysis, operational research and C2 system stimulation.

SWORD can simulate operations from battalion to division level and is the market leading provider of software for training tactical level land staffs.

SOULT went into operational service in 2015 at the Command Post Training and Control Centre (CECPC) and in all the Training Organisations (OdF) of the French Army.


This software is used by the French Army under the name SOULT 

SWORD is used by more than 20 armies around the world, as well as defence agencies.

SWORD is currently available in 5 languages: French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic.

SWORD adaptive technology to the needs of each user

To provide maximum realism, SWORD's constructive simulation is based on Direct AI, a behavioral and decision-making artificial intelligence technology developed by MASA Group.

This technology, coupled with databases of equipment and materials, makes it possible to represent numerous doctrines, thus allowing SWORD software to adapt very easily to the constraints and needs of each user or each country. This ability to adapt SWORD's simulation has enabled the progressive deployment of the SWORD system in more than twenty countries around the world, training officers and staffs of many armies in the conduct of modern operations covering high intensity such as asymmetric operations or support to populations. SWORD is also used by serval defence agencies and systems integrators, particularly for Operational Research and Concept Evaluation.


Each army or organization has a unique SWORD that allows :

  • Staff training from battalion to division level

  • After Action Review 

  • Reusing an exercise at any time

  • Operational research to validate new doctrines or new equipment characteristics.


SWORD's richness allows staffs to be immersed in high-intensity conflicts, peacekeeping operations, counter-terrorism, or aid to populations in the event of natural or technological disasters. SWORD simulates all possible types of environment and allows trainees to lead the maneuver of thousands of autonomous, virtually represented subordinate units. The use of artificial intelligence considerably reduces the cost of exercises and significantly increases their realism and complexity. The number of operators can be reduced by 70% in some cases and the preparation time by 50% compared to other software on the market.

This richness, coupled with SWORD's adaptability, defence industry, armament agencies or army research centers to use it to develop new concepts, new doctrines, such as the French army's Scorpion doctrine, or to validate the effects of new equipment.

Learn more about SWORD

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SWORD Brochure

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White Paper – Multi-Site Command Post Exercise

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Case study
TORO 2020


Case study  
G5 Sahel


Case study

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Case study 




MASA Group

8 Rue de la Michodière,

75002 Paris, France


Tel: +33 (0) 1 55 43 13 20


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